Como ya sabréis, en La Guajira formamos parte del programa CES, Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad (antes conocido como SVE). Llevamos ya tres años recibiendo voluntarios de otros países que conviven y trabajan con nosotros durante unos meses. Pues bien, estamos buscando nuevos voluntarios para venir a trabajar y disfrutar en La Guajira. Sus labores serán las de participar en el trabajo diario de la asociación, en especial apoyando en el ámbito de la comunicación, el vídeo y el audio. La duración de la estancia es de nueve meses y el programa cubre alojamiento, alimentación y dinero «de bolsillo» para otros gastos.
Perfil de los/as candidatos/as:
– Preferiblemente entre 25 y 30 años.
– Experto y / o apasionado por la cultura y las artes.
– Bien familiarizado con la grabación / filmación y edición de audio y / o video
– Se valorarán positivamente los conocimientos de diseño gráfico.
– De mente abierta, motivado/a e resolutivo/a y capaz de trabajar con personas de todas las edades.
– Se valorará positivamente el conocimiento básico del idioma español y / o inglés.
Si estás interesado envía tu CV y tu Carta de Motivación específica para este proyecto a Alberto en este correo electrónico: alberto@laguajiradealmeria.com
Fecha límite para presentar propuestas, 20 de diciembre de 2020, el proyecto empieza en enero de 2021.
La Guajira CES 2020/21
Application Deadline 20th December 2020
La Guajira stands up for the suburbs. Culture, Flamenco and Self-management.
La Guajira is opting for the European Solidarity Corps as a means to present the social and artistic activity of a neighborhood in danger of social exclusion in the city of Almería (Almedina/old town/la Chanca), through the photo, audio and video documentation that shows the everyday life of the association and artists as well as the work that we have been doing since it was created eight years ago in this peculiar environment. Furthermore, the association offers a wide cultural program focused on meeting the cultural needs of the people of the neighborhood and the city, with the aim of serving as a platform for experience exchanges and acquisition of new skills and knowledge.
The volunteers will help to develop cultural activities and give support for the communication (Graphic design) and audiovisual streaming and archive, documenting everyday life, shows, projects, etc. For that, we look for the contribution of three volunteers during 9 months, who will be supervised by the staff of the organization, will take part of the team exchanging ideas and actively collaborating to produce them.
As a result, we hope this project will be a window that shows, from a local to an international level, the cultural wealth of the neighborhood as a tool for social change through independent cultural management. We want to influence a positive impact for the organizations involved, participants and target groups. Our cultural work is aiming to be an inspiring tool for those organizations that want to develop similar projects in the future.
DURATION: 9 months, starting in January 2021
– Aged 25-30 preferably.
– Skilled and/or passionate about culture and arts.
– Well acquainted with audio and/or video recording/filming and editing.
– Knowledge of graphic design will be positively considered.
– Openminded, motivated and resourceful who loves working with people of all ages and social
– Basic knowledge of Spanish and/or English language will be positively considered.
If you are interested please send your CV and your Motivation Letter specific for this project
to Alberto in this email: alberto@laguajiradealmeria.com
More info about La Guajira: https://laguajiradealmeria.com
Application deadline 20th December 2020